- 20th Century Fox
- A Dog and His Boy
- A Favor for Christine / Lady Godiva
- Abraham Lincoln
- Agamemnon
- Akashi Shiganosuke
- Akkorokumai Monster
- Alexander Graham Bell
- Alfred Nobel
- Almost Famoose
- Alternate Mrs. Hughes
- Alternate Sherman
- Amazamoose and Squirrel Wonder
- Annie Oakley
- Arugula Hughes
- Banana Formula
- Belle Starr
- Big Boy / Blackbeard
- Big Top Peabody / Taj Mahal
- Biggest Fan / Queen Isabella
- Bill Scott
- Bird Baby
- BlackBeard
- Black Hole / Winston Churchill
- Bonnie Prince Charlie
- Boogaz
- Boris Badenov
- Box Top Robbery
- Brain Switch / Koikawa Harumachi
- Bring Your Kids to Work Day / Leif Erikson
- Buffalo Bill
- Bullwinkle's Restaurant
- Bullwinkle J. Moose
- BumbleBeard
- Bumbling Brother's Circus
- Buried Treasure
- Calamity Jane
- Canadian Railway's Bridge
- Cappy Von Trapment
- Captain Mathew Clift
- Captain Peachfuzz
- Cassnova
- Charge of the Light Brigade
- Cheerleaders / Mansa Musa
- Chris Parnell
- Christine Bluestone
- Christopher Columbus
- Cleopatra
- Cleopatra (The Mr. Peabody and Sherman Show)
- Climate Control / Ziryab
- Commander Pearry
- Completely Lost
- Confucius
- Daniel Boone
- Danny Elfman
- Desperate Moosewives
- Dieter Jansen
- Director Peachfuzz
- Disloyal Canadians
- Don Juan
- DreamWorks Animation
- Dudley Do-Right
- Dudley Do-Right (film)
- Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Edgar and Chauncey
- Eric Bauza
- Ernie (Dino Time)
- Fearless Firemoose
- Fearless Leader
- Ferdinand Magellan
- First Kentucky Derby
- Francisco Pizzaro
- Franz Schubert
- Fulin
- Gaius Maecenas
- Galileo
- General Sergeant
- Genghis Khan
- George Armstrong
- Geronimo
- Gidney and Cloyd
- Gone Comic Gone / Harry Houdini
- Goof Gas Attack
- Greenpernt Oogle
- Guglielmo Marconi
- HJ3000
- Handcuffs for a Song / Wright Bros
- Hans Christian Oersted
- Heckler
- Horse
- I Knew That Was Gonna Happen / Sacagawea
- Inside Hobson / Annie Oakley
- Inspector Fenwick
- James McNeil Whistler
- Jane Lynch
- Jane Moosefield
- Jay Ward
- Jay Ward Productions
- Jesse James
- Jesse James (character)
- Jet Fuel Formula
- Jim Bowie
- Johannes Gutenburg
- John Holland
- John L. Sullivan
- John Sutter
- Jules Verne
- Jump the Whale Shark / Frédéric Bartholdi
- June Foray
- Karen Sympathy
- Kathleen
- Kevin Michael Richardson
- King Arthur
- King Tut
- Kit Carson
- Ko Tamagachi
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Lazy Jay Ranch
- Leif Erikson
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Leonardo Da Vinci (episode)
- Leslie Mann
- Lief Erickson
- List of Dudley Do-Right episodes
- List of Mr. Peabody & Sherman episodes
- List of Rocky and Bullwinkle episodes
- Lord Francis Douglass
- Lord Nelson
- Louis Pasteur
- Louis XIV
- Lucretia Borgia
- Ludwig Von Beethoven
- MSI: Frostbite Falls
- Magic Hiccups / Gaius Maecenas
- Mansa Musa
- Marco Polo
- Marco Polo (character)
- Maria Garcia
- Max Charles
- Medieval Fest / John Sutter
- Metal Munching Mice
- Missouri Mish Mash
- Moosebumps!
- Mortgaging the Mountie Police
- Mouse Hunt / David Bushnell
- Mozart
- Mr. Big
- Mr. Hobson
- Mr. Peabody
- Mr. Peabody/Gallery
- Mr. Peabody/History
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (film)
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (film)/Quotes
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (film)/Soundtrack
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (film)/Trivia
- Mr. Peabody & Sherman (film)/Videos
- Mr. Peabody and Sherman/Errors
- Mr. Peabody and Sherman (Comic Series)
- Mr. Peabody and Sherman (DVD)
- Mr. Peabody and Sherman international voice cast
- Ms. Grunion
- Ms. Grunion/Gallery
- Ms. Grunion/History
- Napoleon
- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Natasha Fatale
- Nell Fenwick
- Nero
- New Sponsor / Cleopatra
- Old Bill
- Orchopti-NOT-ron / Mulan
- Orchoptitron in Love / John Harrington
- Outbreak / Ancient Greek Games
- P-Bro / First Canine Police Force
- PT Barnum
- Painting Theft
- Pancho Villa
- Patch Games / Mark Twain
- Patrick Warburton
- Patty Peterson
- Patty Peterson/Gallery
- Patty Peterson/History
- Paul Peterson
- Paul Peterson/Gallery
- Paul Peterson/History
- Paul Reuter
- Paul Revere
- Pea Dummy / Mary Anning
- Peabody's Delivery / Joe vs. the Peabody and Sherman
- Peabody's Diet / Ponce De Leon
- Peabody's Improbable History
- Peabody's Parents / Galileo
- Peabodyverse Encyclopedia
- Penny Peterson
- Penny Peterson/Gallery
- Penny Peterson/History
- Peter Cooper
- Phantom of the Show
- Ponce De Leon
- Pony Express
- Poorly Drawn Robot
- Queer Eye for the Moose Guy
- Reality Friday
- Return of the Guapos Part 1 / Lucy Walker
- Return of the Guapos Part 2
- Return of the Guapos Part 3
- Richard the Lion-Hearted
- Rob Paulsen
- Robert Fulton
- Robin Hood
- Robinson Crusoe
- Robo Stamps
- Rocky & Bullwinkle & Friends
- Rocky J. Squirrel
- Rocky and Bullwinkle
- Rocky and Bullwinkle's Know-It-All Quiz Game
- Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends (XBOX Game)
- Rocky and His Friends
- Rue Brittania
- Ruff Guyz / George Crum
- Sandy
- Scotland Yard
- Scrambled Eggs / George Stephenson
- Secret Agent Sherman / Alexander Cartwright
- Seen It / Edgar Allan Poe
- Shelby
- Sherman
- Sherman's Pet / Marco Polo
- Sherman's Tooth / Voyager Gold Record
- Sherman/Gallery
- Sherman/History
- Sherman Exchange Program / Charles Dickens
- Sherman From A to Zzzz / Akashi Shiganosuke
- Show on the Road / Catherine the Great
- Sir Issac Newton
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sitting Bull
- Snidely Whiplash
- Spooktacular / Nicholas Joseph Cugnot
- Stanley and Livingstone
- Stephen Colbert
- Stephen Dectuar
- Steve Blum
- Stokey the Bear
- Stuck / Mozart
- Super Sherman / Ada Lovelace
- Surrender of Cornwallis
- Sweet Little Lies / Alan Pinkerton
- Sweet Ride Swami
- Sweet Tune
- Tara Strong
- Telethon / Enrico Caruso
- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (TV series)
- The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle (film)
- The Battle of Bunker Hill
- The British Are Coming
- The Dark Side of the Moose
- The First Caveman
- The First Golf Match
- The First Indian Head Nickel
- The French Foreign Legion
- The Great Wall of China
- The Guapo Brothers
- The Guns of Albone
- The Last Angry Moose
- The Legends of the Power Gems
- The Marquis of Queensbury
- The Masked Ginny Lynn
- The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show
- The Mr. Peabody & Sherman Show (soundtrack)
- The Orchoptitron
- The Perfect Perfect Show Again Again / Abraham Lincoln
- The Perfect Show / Napoleon
- The Perfect Show Again / Aristophane
- The Royal Mounted Police
- The Show's the Thing / Peter Cooper
- The Stink of Fear
- The Texas Rangers
- The Three Moosketeers
- The Treasure of Monte Zoom
- The Wrath of Hughes
- The Wright Brothers
- The Yakamoras
- This is Your Life? / Robert Edwin Peary
- Tiffany Ward
- Time and Time Again
- Tom Kenny
- Topsy Turvy World
- Trap Bait
- Tree House / Queen Hatshepsut
- Ty Burrell
- Upsidaisium
- Vasco Núñez de Balboa
- Vote For Boris
- Wailing Whale
- Willaim Shakespeare
- Willaim Tecumseh Sherman
- Willaim Tell
- World Records / Hotu Matu'a
- Wyatt Earp
- Zebulon Pike
- Ziryab